
At, We accept contributions from other users and authors. So if you are willing to contribute any article, news, or historical things, just fill out the form and contact us. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Before making a decision, Make sure the following criteria you will follow. If your content doesn’t match with criteria so we will not approve even we will not publish your materials on our web.

Criteria you have to follow before making a contribution decision

  • Content length should be a minimum of 1200 words and a maximum of 200 words.
  • Content should be 100% unique (We use Copyscape to check)
  • Writing content using any AI tools, we will not approve
  • Content should be Keyword Focused
  • The article has to be proper On-Page Optimization (Meta Data, Internal Links, Image ALT)
  • An Artiel must have minimum 5 FAQ
  • Only 1 external link you can add

If you follow the criteria, we are waiting for your contributions. Just remember the full article has to be structured and On-Page Optimized.